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Shelby: Red Eared Slider
This is my FIRST RES(Red Eared Slider)her name Is "Shelby" I love this little girl, she was my first real turtle. I have had shelby for about a year and a half and she has grown so much. she is shy to everyone except me. She started out about the size of a quarter and is currently 6-7 inches long.
She feels comfortable with me and has no problem begging me for food when she has eaten all the food that I have placed in the tank

Pencil Neck: False Map Turtle
Pencil Neck
This is "Pencil Neck" my False Map turtle, I recently purchased him off a very small petshop and he is a very shy as well as an escape atrist, he has escaped from two setups. I have placed him in a large rubbermaid setup and he hasnt been able to escape since. He is about 5-6 inches long, I have had him for about a month.
On the shy note he is very active at meal time and attacks his foor once he notices its in the water.

Donny:Ornate Box Turtle
This is Donny he is an Ornate Box Turtle, I have recently obtained him from a family freind who felt she couldnt meet his needs so I introduced him to my reptile family, I have built an outdoor enclosure for him and am planning on getting a female when I find good C.B(captive bred). he is a fully grown adult and about 5-7 inches long. he had some shell scars which were probably obtained in the wild before the past owner took him in.
When I am in the enclosure Donny checks me out to see if I have the food dish with me,he also would bite my finger tips if I would let him. He loves to eat worms and snails, I also feed him romaine lettuce as well as some fruits and veggies. He is a very active turtle, when I spray the enclosure with water he comes out and enjoys the rain.

2-three striped mud hatchlings
These are my new 3 striped mud turtles, i got them from a breeder, and they are very active turtles. i havent finished their setup yet but it will soon be up and ready for them soon.


new mud/musk turtle setup has been added, new pics of the three striped muds.8/2/03

the box turtle enclosure page has been updated.box turtle enclosure page. 8/1/03