Mud/Musk turtle page

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This page is dedicated to my turtles, ed, and eli they are my new three striped mud turtles as of 8/2/03


three striped mud turtles. eli on the right, ed on the left

I never thought I would see it but ed finally was basking
!!finally got my muds!!
they are approximately 1"(very small). picked them up 8/2/03. they are very active. i really like these little ones.

I didnt think it was going to be so important but now its certain that I need to put some money aside for their new repti-sun 5.0 uvb bulb so my little ones get the vitamin D3 that they oh so need., i still am waiting for my little ed to bask as well since he is the shy one and keeps to him/her self. but that ed is a little devil since he goes and attacks any cricket i throw in not even minding the reptomin baby pellets i have for him.

20 gallon long hatchling tank

The 20 gallon breeder has a broken clay pot to serve as a cave type thing while the cork bark serves as a land area or a basking platform which ive read that mud/musks usually dont use.
this will be the new tank for my three striped mud turtles.

The following pics are going to chart their growth.
devlins new name is ed and devins new name is eli since i will be able to slightly change it when their sex is able to be determined.

first day

