55 Gallon Mayan Aquarium

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55 gallon cichlid tank

This is my Mayan cichlid, I didnt know what he was when I bought him, and my tank suffered the consequences. I used to house a grown GREEN TERROR and a grown Convict cichlid who ended up dying from different causes.
I loved that green terror since he had such personality and would do anything for food, even fight with my hand. I thought i would be able to house these two together but i was wrong, they ended up fighting in the tank. I decided to buy a divider which almost was torn in half, but my green terror got sick and died. I later realized that the Convict cichlid was brutally beating him with its powerfull quick attacks, which caused much damaged to the already damaged giant. after the death of the green terror, my convict died for some unknown reasons(sickness). so now the mayan(Rayita) is the only inhabitant in his tank, im thinking of getting some larg sized fish who can survive by hiding in the tank and castle, but for now he is alone.
I got the name from a time I saw "gremlins" in spanish, it just stuck ever since.

Close up of RAYITA

I thought rayita was going to be a dull fish but he has shown me how great of a pet he can be, he is tolerant of almost anything, even a not so clean tank, i usually do water changes every once in a while, other than that i would just clean the tank about every year, he doesnt mind, he eats when its dark so I dont see him eat as much as my other fish but he is a great cichlid as long as he has his space.
The 55 gallon tank has been in the family since late 91 and went through hurricane andrew with many many many casualties due to no power and bad filtration for so many days. Ive had Rayita since march of 02 and he was about an inch smaller, but boy has he grown. :)





